Upgrade or Skip a Device Update?

 Every time a new version of an operating system becomes available, Apple and Microsoft roll out their marketing campaigns with the latest devices to try and coax their customers into making the purchase. Sometimes the customers at the R3 Factory sell second hand phones UAE, buy a new one and take the plunge and other times they stay put on their older device.

But is what is the smartest option? Should you skip that software update? Do you really need that new version? When it comes to devices like your iPhone, Galaxy S5, iPad, or other tech gadgets, should you be looking for the latest version? This article will shed some light on whether it makes sense to skip that update or if you should spring for that shiny new model.

Ask yourself if you really need the features in the update.

Perhaps you're happy with your current device and its operating system, so you probably don't need to upgrade. Even if an update brings new features that sound exciting, if you don't plan on using them then there's no point in downloading and installing the update.

Will your device handle the update?

Before you upgrade, check if your device will be able to handle it. If your device is older, it's more likely that it won't be able to run the newest version of iOS or Android. If your phone is more than two years old, for example, you may want to skip an update because it could slow down and even crash your device.

Wait until you're ready to buy a new device…

If you have an older phone, it may be worth waiting until after the new iPhones and Galaxy phones are released in September before upgrading to iOS 12 or Android 9 Pie. That way you can buy a new phone that has been optimised for these latest versions of mobile operating systems instead of one that wasn't designed to run them well from the start.

…Or not.

You don't want to wait for months till you can afford to buy the upgraded version of your phone, sell old phone uae and buy a new one or get an upgraded phone at a cheaper cost after an exchange.

Make sure your app supports the new IOS/Android version

You should always check this before upgrading your operating system. If an app doesn't support a newer version of Android or iOS, there's no point upgrading because it won't work properly. If an app does support a newer OS, but not all features are working as intended, then it might be worth holding off on upgrading until they do. If you need an upgrade soonest, then it's best you buy used mobile phone online at best price in Dubai.

Waiting for the bugs to be fixed

You can't always wait for the bugs to be fixed. If you're just getting started with a new phone, or you're getting a new one as a gift, it's tempting to get the latest hardware right away. But there's no need to rush into an upgrade cycle if you're happy with your current device. If you have a few months before your contract expires and you're not yet eligible for an upgrade, consider skipping the next few updates. The odds are good that Apple or Google will fix some of the problems before your contract is up.

The same goes for tablets and other gadgets: If you don't need the latest model right away, wait until later in the year when more bugs are worked out and prices come down.

Make sure you have enough space.

If you're about to install a new operating system or application on your computer, make sure it has enough storage space available. Updates can take up lots of space, and if you're running out of room, it may be best to wait until you have more room. If you don't have enough memory or hard drive space, your computer will run slowly and update programs will fail to install properly. This can cause problems with applications that rely on these programs to work properly. Always consult an expert in smartphone and laptop repair service Dubai UAE before you install a new OS.

Bottom line

Each device has a "journey" from its creation to its obsolescence, and the end of that journey is often marked by an update – whether that's a complete overhaul like the iPhone 6 or something smaller like iOS 9. If you're using a device for everything, then you'll want to stay up to date with these updates in order to make sure your devices are secure and future-proof.

Even if you're not using it as your primary device, upgrading handheld technology is usually worth it just because the pace of change is so great. The trick is knowing when it's right to upgrade and when it's better to skip your next update…


Which updates should I accept?

 If your device has been running smoothly, you may want to hold off on new updates.

This is particularly true if your device is older than two years. It's also worth keeping in mind that some updates are more important than others. If you're still rocking an older phone, it's unlikely that you'll be able to take advantage of the latest features anyway.

If you do choose to upgrade, make sure to back up your data before upgrading — especially if you're upgrading a phone with a microSD card installed. You don't want to lose any photos or videos!

Should I update right away or wait for a few patches?

There isn't one answer that applies to everyone. It depends on how much risk is involved with the update, what kind of phone or computer it is and how important the feature is to you.

For example, if you're using an older device like an iPhone 4 or iPad 2 and iOS 10 includes support for those devices, it might be worth waiting for some patches before upgrading because these older devices have less resources available than newer devices do and may have difficulty running smoothly after an upgrade without some patches applied first.

Is it safe to skip an update?

Updates can be risky, but there are times when users should consider skipping an update or waiting a few weeks before updating their devices. The risks vary from device to device, and some updates might be more likely to cause problems than others.

How do I see which version of my operating system I'm currently running?

First, open the Settings app by swiping up from the bottom of your screen and tapping on the gear icon. Then tap on "About Phone" or "About Tablet." This will show you the model number and operating system information for your phone or tablet.

What about updates for apps and other software on my computer or device?

Many apps and programs come with automatic updates built-in so that they can provide new features, bug fixes and security patches as soon as they become available. But automatic updates aren’t always necessary — especially if they bring more bugs than benefits.



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