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Need a New Phone? 3 Smart Things You Can Do with the iPhone Introduction Smartphones are one of the most technology-infused items we carry around these days. The ability to email, file documents, surf the internet, and use social media with a simple touch creates an environment that can make our lives more productive. However, this isn't necessarily always the case with all smartphones. There are a number of strategies available on iPhone that can help you unlock the full potential from your device. Below we’ll be sharing what we feel are smart things you can do with your iPhone if you're committed to unlocking its full potential. iPhone Possibilities to Make Life Easier Manage Your Time The first thing that stands out when switching from an older iPhone model to a newer one is how much faster everything is. Apps open instantly and web pages load in an instant — even on 4G networks. But what many people don't realise is how much more efficient they become as well when the...